Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find this year's school calendar?

The printable 2024-25 school calendar can be located here.

What are school hours?

School is from 8:59am - 3:18pm.

Early release days end at 11:45am.  See additional details here.

How do I reach Extended Day services?

Contact Community Education: (978) 251-5151 or email: [email protected]

Where can I find a list of Center teachers and staff?

Center staff directory

Where can I find the lunch menu?

Lunch menus can be found on the CPS Nutrition page.

Where can I learn more about Chelmsford Public Schools?

Visit the CPS district website.

Where can I find info about the bus?

Visit the CPS Transportation page.

Where can I learn more about Center School?

Check out the Center Elementary website.

Where can I find more about the Chelmsford School Committee?

Find past meeting recordings and upcoming meetings and documents on the Town of Chelmsford school committee page.

I volunteered for a PTO event and have expenses, how can I be reimbursed?

Visit our reimbursement page here and fill out the online form. Be sure to submit your receipts!