Emily Sullivan

Enrichment Coordinator

Board member since 2024

About Me

I have been a nurse for over 15 years. I've lived in Chelmsford since 2019 with my 2 kids and dog. I enjoy working out, volunteering, spending time outdoors, baking, cooking and gardening.

Kids/Grades:  Everett (5th), Isla (2nd)


  Billerica, MA

Favorite PTO Event

With so many great events throughout the year it's hard to choose but BINGLO and Ice Cream Social/basket raffle stick out the most. There's something for everybody and all the hard work pays off when the students get to experience the events!  

Favorite Thing About Volunteering

 Volunteering can feel hard to initiate but I've never regretted helping out. It's a great way to get involved and meet others in the community and only good can come from that. I'm glad I got involved and hope that encourages others to do the same.

Something You Like
to do as a Family

We enjoy hiking, camping and anything outdoors.