4th Grade Countdown
Middle School is fast approaching!
Don't Miss These Important Deadlines
Activity Fee
The 4th Grade Activity Fee and the Ziti Supper help fund the Fourth Grade end of year programming outlined below.
The fee is $35 and is due by FEBRUARY 7th. You can pay via cash or check made out to CSPTO, and sent in to school.*
*Every fourth grader will be included in ALL of the fun! If, for any reason you are unable to pay the activity fee, please contact your child's classroom teacher
Ziti Supper Servers
The Ziti Supper will be on Wed, April 9th.
Once seating assignments are finalized, tickets will be on sale for fourth grade families, before opening any remaining tickets to the broader school community.
Baby & Collage Photos
In addition to school photos, families can submit a baby picture of their student for the yearbook. This is a fun way for students to look back on how much they've grown- and their friends love seeing what they looked like!
Families may also submit photos of any Center School memories you have: field trips, enrichment, PTO events, class events, etc.
Baby and collage photos are due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14th. Please upload photos to the TreeRing website. Questions,
email Christine Doe
4th Grade End of Year Activities
There are many special activities planned for our fourth graders, to celebrate and create special memories of this exciting time! Find important details of all of the fun below.
Art Contest - February
Sharpen your pencils and get your creative wheels turning! We're holding an Art Contest and our fourth graders will select the winners!
First place: Class T-shirt design
Second place: In the yearbook
Third place: Ceremony certificates
Fourth place: Ceremony programs
*Participation is optional and submissions are due by Friday 2/7. Details in this flyer.
Poetry Contest - April
Does your child like to rhyme? Does your child like to write? The fourth grade poetry contest will soon be in sight!
One winner from each class will have their poem published in the yearbook, and read at the Fourth Grade Finale ceremony.
This contest will be facilitated by the 4th grade Teachers.
Ziti Supper - April 30
Center's tasty tradition! Fourth graders serve their family and friends with a meal you won't want to miss. Tips are welcome and help to fund our end of year activities and celebration party.
Seatings will be at 4:15, 5:30 and 6:45 in the Center School cafeteria.
Ticket sales will open in March.
Your student's time at Center School will be captured for you to enjoy for years to come!
Each fourth grade student will receive a yearbook with highlights from their Center School experience, plus baby photos and collages of memories of their time at Center.
Students will be given time to sign them together with friends and staff.
Finale Ceremony & Party
June TBD
Families will be invited to celebrate the completion of their student's elementary years in a Fourth Grade Finale ceremony and watch them walk across the stage and recieve their certificate.
Students then move on to an Aloha-themed afternoon filled with celebration, music, pizza, shaved ice, and great fun with friends.
Clap Out
June TBD
Let's give them a hand!
Held on the last day of school, K-3 students at Center will line the hallways to "clap out" their fourth grade friends during their last walk down the Center School hallways.
Email the 4th Grade Activities planning team at [email protected]